October 22, 2024

Scope changelog

New in version 4.00:
+ Support for EA500-0 control panel
+ Drivers are now compatible with VirtualBox
+ Added automatic action, which switches to auto triggering mode, when random interleaved sampling mode is entered
+ Fixed bug, which caused improper switching off of the channel during settings load
+ Fixed bug, which caused, that loaded waveforms disappeared

New in version 3.02:
+ Added drivers for Windows 7
+ Fixed the 80% cursor adjustment
+ Fixed the saving/loading format (it now contains version information)
+ Fixed minor problem with settings restoration on waveform load

New in version 3.01:
+ Added support for mask testing
+ Added support for vertical shift self-calibration
+ Added ticks to the X/Y module
+ Added arbitrary external attenuation
+ The ground position is correctly initialized, when using two different devices with one software installation
+ Improved the icon appearance on the main screen
+ Improved ground position
+ Fixed data acquisition for M595 (32k memory used)
+ Fixed cursor values in the X/Y module (the probe attenuation is used in the calculation)
+ Fixed incorrect handle closing in the driver
+ Fixed issue with wrong initialization of some settings
+ Fixed issue with image saving (the settings file was created in the directory, where the image was saved)
+ Fixed issue, which caused improper restoration of the M520 series device, when the communication has broken
+ Fixed several option dependencies in the simple mode

New in version 3.00:
+ Added possibility to switch view modes (Simple and Classic modes are implemented)
+ Added possibility to set vertical shift by dragging vertical grid lines
+ Added possibility to select viewed part by dragging horizontal grid lines
+ Added possibility to display dynamic horizontal grid (one of the vertical lines is always on the trigger event)
+ Added possibility to save autosave option
+ Added support for computer suspension
+ Added command line parameter -s for loading the settings from selectable source
+ Added command line parameter -d for selecting device type, that will be used (other device types will be ignored)
+ Fixed bug in the M525 sampling frequency

New in version 2.03:
+ Dramatically improved resolution in average display mode
+ Enhanced ground position slightly
+ Added possibility to start acquisition by clicking on the green flag in the normal trigger mode
+ Stabilised automatic display mode
+ The dragging priority is changed in favor of the loaded waveforms
+ The software can fix some licence file corruptions
+ The cursors' position is automatically fixed if they are rendered out of the screen
+ Removed information about driver version

New in version 2.02:
+ Added support for multiple M774 oscilloscopes
+ Added progress bar during initialization
+ Added automatic display mode selection
+ Added enhanced xor drawing
+ Added reset to factory defaults
+ Added possibility to automatically switch to auto trigger mode, when the input is grounded
+ Added automatic action, which moves trigger level together with range and shift
+ Added check for duplicate hotkeys during their definition
+ Added possibility to display the screen in vertical position sliders
+ The range value in vertical panel is calculated with regard to probe attenuation (can be turned off in options)
+ Enhanced compatibility with some Windows 98 printer drivers
+ Text indicating range in screen information now indicates coupling
+ Fixed memory timing in M520 series
+ Fixed bug, which resulted in the wrong digital filter length during timebase change in sampling mode
+ Fixed bug, that left 'Fade length' bar enabled after start
+ Fixed M770 series driver for Windows 98

New in version 2.01:
+ Added support for M774 oscilloscope
+ Added 'fading' display mode
+ Added hotkeys for clear screen and clear fading history
+ Added display of the ground position
+ Added dynamic grid position
+ Added grid legend
+ Added printing in application colors option
+ Added phase finder module
+ Added option dependencies (no effect options are grayed out)
+ Enhanced print preview rendering
+ Changed sampling rate information to S/s (samples per second)
+ Fixed triggering issues across whole product range
+ Fixed hint on the window transparency scrollbar
+ Fixed bug in autosave, that caused data being saved during waveform drag
+ Fixed bug in Manage exports screens - selecting "OK" updates currently edited template automatically
+ Fixed incorrect trigger level value calculation for channel B
+ Fixed incorrect rendering during screen info export
+ Fixed problem with wrong parameters rendered as N/A in Wp module
+ Fixed problem with after trigger set (by dragging mark) with quickview on
+ Fixed triggering in auto mode for M520 series
+ Intermediate bitmap is always used for rendering

New in version 2.00:
+ Added support for all USB oscilloscopes
+ Fixed bug causing, that the wrong after trigger amount was set under some circumstances (this bug affected the M520 series only)

New in version 1.06:
+ Added export to image
+ Added possibility to set after trigger amount by dragging the trigger mark
+ Added possibility to enter after trigger amount in percents of memory size
+ Added 'clear' button, which clears the screen
+ Added option, which always clears the screen, when the acqusition is started in manual/single mode
+ Added RPM parameter into the waveform parameters module
+ Added possibility to stop data acquisition in the single/manual trigger modes by clicking on the button with the red flag
+ Fixed broken installer for Win98/ME
+ Fixed bug causing application crash with no driver present
+ Reduced processor stress in single mode
+ Fixed the IFT and FT module order (FT executes always before IFT)
+ Fixed application crash when changing memory size with IFT on

New in version 1.05:
+ Added support for multiple M570s
+ Added support for hotkeys (controlling application by keyboard)
+ Added possibility to print in color
+ Added possibility to automatically save data
+ Added possibility to export time together with data
+ The virtual channels (functions - for example A+B) are saved together with data
+ Added possibility to export virtual channels
+ Added information about sampling rate
+ Changed output range of A+B and A-B functions to always fit the screen
+ Added possibility to view readme from application
+ Fixed bug causing application crash when activating module with no acquired data
+ Fixed application memory management

New in version 1.04:
+ Fixed list of export sources in Manage exports screen
+ Improved precision with 1:10 probe for M570 series
+ Improved precision with 1:10 probe for M520 series
+ Fixed incorrect voltages in modules with 1:10, 1:100 or 1:1000 probe
+ Added check, whether the other instance of the application is already running
+ Fixed text about driver installation under Win98/ME
+ Added drivers for 64 bit OS
+ Changed precautions section in the user's guide
+ Fixed minor bug, which caused the application crash when starting with no M520 series oscilloscope connected

New in version 1.03:
+ Added separate hold of the channel A and B
+ Fixed inversion of channel A module
+ Fixed bug causing the printing to pdf (using Acrobat Distiller 7.0) to fail
+ Added possibility to display information on the main screen
+ Improved waveform rendering (especially under Windows Vista)

New in version 1.02:
+ Added information about device's serial number in the about screen
+ Added licence file processing
+ Added settable transparency of the main window
+ Added .esb format description

New in version 1.01:
+ Added export support
+ Fixed bug, which caused application crash when settings.xml was read-only
+ Added settings save/load support
+ Added M520 series support
+ Fixed bug, which caused unproper FT module initialization
+ Fixed bug, which allowed user to drag the waveform out of device capabilities