Usable with: M611
Description: KL611 clip together with EA328 provides possibility to connect to SMD pins with 1.27mm pitch.
Usable with: M611
Description: EA328 clips allows you to connect 9 (8+1) KL611 clips (SMD clip) to logic probe.
Required accessories: KL611
Usable with: M611
Description: EA327/8S clips allows you to connect logic probe to tested device.
Usable with: M611
Number of channels | 8 |
Delay | < 35ns if 0.25V < |Ui-UT| < 2V < 40ns if 2V < |Ui-UT| < 5V < 60ns if 5V < |Ui-UT| < 10V < 120ns if 10V < |Ui-UT| < 15V where Ui is voltage before transition and UT is a threshold voltage |
Threshold voltage | from -5V to +5V with step < 40mV |
Accuracy of setting | +-100mV +- 2% |
Maximum input voltage range | +-15V |
Required accessories: EA327/8S or EA328
Usable with: M611
Number of channels | 8 |
Delay | < 10ns |
Skew between channels | < 1ns |
Threshold voltage | settable to 3.3V CMOS, 5V CMOS, TTL |
Input voltage range in 3.3V CMOS mode | from -2V to +5.5V |
Input voltage range in 5V CMOS mode | from -2V to +7V |
Input voltage range in TTL mode | from -2V to +7V |
Required accessories: EA327/8S or EA328